walter macambira

Sweden, my wife and new life

January 06, 2019

Finally got some time to start this new thing.

I am quite unsure about the content I will upload here. Surely, it will be a tech blog, not a personal one. Soon, I think I will figure out what to talk about. For now, read about our first week in Sweden.


Our flight was terrible, with more than 3 hours of delay. Naturally, after more than 20 hours from our departure, we were starving, and morale was down. Thankfully, our friends picked us up in the airport. It would be a nightmare to carry 92kg of luggage around, below zero degrees Celsius.

After getting the keys of our apartment, we found a pizza place a block away from home. We headed there to make our first unsupervised contact with the swedes, and ended up ordering 3 of what the attendent said to be an “individual pizza”. We still had pizza in the fridge 5 days latter.

No appointments in the following day: let’s get to sleep.

First day

We wake up without any idea of what time it is. At this time of the year, the sun rises around 8h30, and sets 15h30. And most days, at least for now, the sun does not seem to really rise: the sky becomes slightly gray and, a few hours later, it is night.

Well, it is time to find out a little more about the basics of life here.

We are not in our permanent home, so there is a 15-minute walk between us and civilization city center. It is cold outside, but let’s keep a positive attitude. Is all about how you face the obstacles life puts in front of you!

First hours, and we noticed my wife got sick, mainly because of the dry air. Now my job is to keep the morale high for two!

But, hey! Forget the sad parts. Things get better.

We knew already a few things: how to get to the city center by foot and the location of the closest grocery store.


In São Paulo, it was 20 degrees Celsius. As I worked in Rio de Janeiro, I could still experience something around 40 degrees on my visits to the office. That… is… not.. pleasent at all.

In Sweden, it is around zero. I thought it would be worse, but it is not. With enough clothes on, it is not the end of the world. Easy to get used to. There are problems, though:

  • wind is not a friend and may harm you; and
  • too many clothes to put on (even to throw the gargabe out is a complicated process of putting too many layers on).


For my first blog post, I think it is okay for now. But I have a lot to share. There will be some more useful advice here in the following days.

In case anything is unclear or incorrect, feel free to reach me through the comment sections below. I will be more than glad to clarify anything, and mainly to learn from and correct the mistakes I made.

But, please, be nice to me.

Walter Macambira

A fair attempt to express Walter Macambira's opinion about stuff that he works with, hates or enjoys. You can find him on Twitter.
